From the list below, please download, print, and complete the document that you need to submit.

To submit your document;
Because the completed form will contain personal information that needs to be protected, use one of the following methods to submit the form;

  1. Fax the completed form to 814-808-6054. Include a cover sheet with specific instructions, details, preferred contact information, etc.
  2. Mail to Culbertson Financial Services, attn; Daryl Schafer, PO Box 875, Boalsburg, PA 16827
  3. Deliver the form to 105 West Main St., Boalsburg, PA
  4. Scan and Email the form. If you do not have the capability to send a secure email, the following steps will allow you to send your information using encryption.
    a. Send an email (Do not attach your form) to requesting a Secure Email Response.

When my response arrives to your Inbox;

  1. In order to open the message, create a password and set up security questions. (You will use this information to open any future secure messages that you receive from me.)
  2. Hit Reply. (As long as I am the only recipient of your reply, your message will be secure.)
  3. Attach your completed form, provide any additional information that you think will be helpful, and hit Send.