From the list below, please download, print, and complete the document that you need to submit.
To submit your document;
Because the completed form will contain personal information that needs to be protected, use one of the following methods to submit the form;
- Fax the completed form to 814-808-6054. Include a cover sheet with specific instructions, details, preferred contact information, etc.
- Mail to Culbertson Financial Services, attn; Daryl Schafer, PO Box 875, Boalsburg, PA 16827
- Deliver the form to 105 West Main St., Boalsburg, PA
- Scan and Email the form. If you do not have the capability to send a secure email, the following steps will allow you to send your information using encryption.
a. Send an email (Do not attach your form) to requesting a Secure Email Response.
When my response arrives to your Inbox;
- In order to open the message, create a password and set up security questions. (You will use this information to open any future secure messages that you receive from me.)
- Hit Reply. (As long as I am the only recipient of your reply, your message will be secure.)
- Attach your completed form, provide any additional information that you think will be helpful, and hit Send.